Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Comments and notes from 1st Year VIVA

Annual Review Presentation

Day/Date : Tuesday, 20th April 2010
Time : 2.05 - 2.50 p.m.
Venue : Tony's room
Examinars : Tony, Keith, Devin

1) Need to adjust and prioritize in the research aim. You've shown many works on the extraction process..but your aim stated about environmental management as first aim..which one's first?
- Extraction and recovery. The environmental management is by product of the outcome. Through out the process, the environmental management might as well will not be a priority. So..just focus on the metal extraction and recovery the aim of the research will just be on the extraction and recovery mechanism!They asked : Are u okay and comfortable with  that??Yes!Better where I'll just have to focus on one aim then!Eventhough the subject is hard, I love what I'm doing!

2) Have u checked on the latest updates and amendment if any for the waste disposal compliance?Fuh...
- Nope!I misssed that one!I have no answer for that one!I should if I supposed to checked on the environmental management point of view..all this while I've been worrying and working so hard on the extraction mechanism..(which because I have no fundamental background on thermodynamic...phase reaction..all those solid state and inorganic chemistry!Fuh!)

3) What's the different of all the heterogenous materials on the waste you're working on?Are they no different?Are they from the same sources?You need to have more infos and details on the production line that produced the heterogeneous materials on the waste u're working on. Need to work close to Julian and Martyn to find the answer.
- fault..I need to put more indepth on that one..will do!

4) What's the value of the recovered material that u intend to extract to the company?
- Argh!!!!!I just can't remember the figure!!!!How many millions per tonne??I should know this at my finger tips!?It's 23 milion for Zinc and 31 millions for Iron!

5) Why Chloride Extraction?What's with other mechanism?Sulphatization perhaps??
- Easier to extract metal in chloride form rather than oxides. Sulphatization is common but it could assist in the chloride extraction anyway. I had explain the results of the works carried out by Mike, the engineer who run the experiment using my sample..and the results from my own experiments as well..the results were that the process will have a very big potential to be examined further..but as the experiments only ran with one duration and temperature, now my plan is to study the factors of gradual duration, gradual temperature and chemical :sample ratio towards rate of reaction and so the next step would be to recover the metal.

6) The chemical agent you're using now is quite expensive.Have u ever tried and consider using other chemicals?Compare the outcome?'s quite hard to find the extraction using the chemical I'm using now from literatures...and dealing with heterogenous materials not single source as most of the literatures stated, so I believed the novelty is there..I've considered other  chemicals..and different roasting process and mechanism as well..but as the previous works proven the high percentage of exttraction, so I thought, this is great..I shall proceed...adding the factors and parameters..but I'll do...try on other chemical as well!and compare! obtaining clearer direction of my research..I shall proceed and more focus!I'll be okay!


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